Best practices

Making the Most of your OpenFender Profile


  • Complete your OpenFender Profile with detail and photos to connect with fans, supporters and racing enthusiasts
  • Flash your personal QR Code to people you meet at the track and racing events
  • Tell your friends and supporters about your OpenFender profile and how they can support you there


  • Share your QR Code on your Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and other Social Media, encouraging your fans, friends, supporters and sponsors to fund you
  • Update your profile regularly with new photos, upcoming races and past results. Make your OpenFender profile your personal racing homepage.
  • Create new campaigns with specific fundraising / sponsorship goals


  • Thank your supporters and let them know how their funding impacted your racing
  • Repost and update your OpenFender QR Code and Fundraising goals and accomplishments across your social media
  • Print your QR Code on your Hero Cards and hand the out at races, events and whenever you interact with potential supporters

Next Level:

  • Print your OpenFender QR Code on stickers, hats and t-shirts [coming soon!] and put those stickers EVERYWHERE - on your car, bike, racing machine, helmet, toolbox, laptop, phone, etc.
  • Let big donors put their logo on your ride
  • When you hit that podium shout it out! Let new fans and sponsors know how to continue being part of your winning team.

Contact: [email protected] for questions or tips

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